
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

5 Day Update - Sexing the Chicks UPDATED

UPDATED AT DAY 8: I have added a few pictures showing the difference in feather shape that has become very apparent at this point. See Below

I have found, in my vast (not really) experience, that sexing chicks is best done early by observing feather growth. I don't vent sex and I'm not super interested in learning. I found this method in this wonderful drawing posted by Lianne at Hanbury House and I've found it to be incredibly accurate for almost any breed of chick. 

I also found this post from 2010 from Cindi on the  Beemaster forum, with pictures, showing sexing by feather growth and it was incredibly helpful. I printed the drawing and the pictures and put them up on the wall over the brooder for comparison.

So, at five days old, I took the below pictures of my new cochin chicks and made an educated guess. Let me know if you disagree and why! I love learning from other chicken folks.

I believe this is a hen. The wings are longer and the growth was rapid and there is a little poof on her bum.
Day 8 - You can see by the shape of the feathers that this is a hen.

I'm calling this one a roo. He's still almost completely fuzz at 5 days, with tiny wing growth. The feathers are also more of L shaped growth.
Day 8 - There is clearly a different shape than the hen's feathers. This is the L shape.

Close-up of the roo.

This is Stevie - the only one we're keeping - She clearly had rapid growth on wings as well as the poof on the bum. This picture was actually taken yesterday and today (Day 6) she's starting to show pin feathers.

This is the only one I go a little back and forth on, but I'm calling her a hen. The wings have grown fast and they have the same shape as the other two ladies. And she has the bum poof. She's just so light, it's kind of hard to tell the down from the feathers.

And there we have it. My first hatch ever and I got three girls and one boy. How can I make this happen every time? 

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