
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Two Week Update: Cochin Babies

Here's the two week update on my cochin babies. They're doing really well and so beautiful!

The sweet little roo. He's still super fuzzy, but he's getting there!

His wing shape is still clearly different than the other three.

The mix. She's gorgeous and shows all of the signs of being female, except that she has a large comb. Interesting.

Those beautiful feathers on her legs.

Stevie is still getting big!

Look at those pin feathers coming in.

I can't quite figure out this one's parentage. She's gorgeous though.

I love it when she closes her eyes and rests in my hand.
Here they were when I cam home today - 15 days old. They love the roost and have out-grossed the towel in the brooder.

And here they are with straw bedding for the first time. They were concerned at first, but I set them on it and they are picking at it like mad now. It seems to be a hit.

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