
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Chick Update - Rico and Marsha

I have two chicks in the inside brooder right now: Rico and Marsha. Rico is my sweet maran and the only survivor of my first maran egg hatch attempt. He is 2 weeks, 5 days old. Marsha, is my sweet grocery store egg hatch. She's truly fluffy and looks like a marshmallow. She's an Ameraucana/ Brahma mix and getting cuter every day.

Rico is not thrilled about this photo session. Notice the pin feathers on the top of his back.
Joujou decided to interfere.
I find it interesting the Rico is getting only one feather on his foot. In the same place, on each foot.
A better look at his pin feathers.
Here you can see his wing tips nicely and the beginning of little feathers on his bum.

Elly and Joujou, continuing to not help at all.

Now it's Marsha's turn. She angrily chirped at me the entire photo shoot. Note that even though she's two weeks younger than Rico, her wing feathers are almost the same size on her body. This is because she's female, thank goodness.

Her wings are definitely shaped like a females. Since she is a mix breed though, I could definitely be wrong here.

Fluffy Butt!

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